Spring Soccer

Spring Soccer has options, depending on the age of the player:

1.Age 9 (U10) and Older | SYSA

SYSA offers Spring Soccer (that is independent from BHYS).

Please visit: https://www.sysa.org/spring-soccer to learn more.

Beacon Hill players and coaches who want to play this Spring have only one option.  It is the SYSA Spring Soccer Program.  If your coach wants to bring the team to the SYSA Spring Soccer league, then the coach needs to respond to the email SYSA sent out on Thursday Jan 9th. 

The SYSA Spring program is managed entirely by SYSA, not Beacon Hill.  However, you can email me, Larry at bhys.registrar@gmail.com if you have questions.  But please read the Spring Soccer pages on SYSA's website before involving Larry.

2. Age 8 (U9) and Younger

Beacon Hill players and coaches who want to play this Spring have two options: 

1.  Join Soccer Sunday at Jefferson Park.  Unlike the SYSA Spring program, Soccer Sunday is free to all players who registered last Fall.  Unlike the team-based SYSA program, Soccer Sunday is pick up-games open to all players.  Teams are created on the spot every Sunday.  No need for substitutions or benched players.  Everybody plays all the time.  Coaches will be there to keep things organized.

Soccer Sunday will meet every Sunday from April 27th through June 15th.  Please see FAQ section below for scrimmage times and registration info.

2.  The second option is to join the SYSA Spring program as described above in the Ages 9 (U10) and Older paragraph above.  It is not free.  You will reimburse your coach who will register your team.  Please read the SYSA Spring Soccer pages on the SYSA website.  Beacon Hill does not manage this SYSA program.     

3. Spring Soccer FAQs

  • Both offer Spring programs.  SYSA's program is called Spring Soccer for teams ages 6 and older.  BHYS's program is called Soccer Sundays and is limited to players ages 5 to 8.  They are both on Sundays.  They both have 8 sessions. SYSA sessions are at various city parks across town.  BHYS sessions are all at Jefferson Park.  SYSA charges a 'team fee' of about $450 for the entire team depending on age.  BHYS is free.  SYSA is 'team-based' meaning BHYS teams play against other teams.  BHYS is player-based meaning it is pick up soccer where players are sorted into teams when they arrive at Jefferson Park.

  • BHYS Soccer Sunday starts April 27th and continues for 8 consecutive weeks.  SYSA Spring Soccer starts March 30th and skips holiday weekends.  They are both on Sundays only.  No midweek practices.  They both end June 15th.

  • SYSA Spring Soccer team schedules will be published on their website in early March.

    BHYS Soccer Sunday sessions are scheduled to meet every Sunday at Jefferson Park near the skate park as follows: (Note:  Age is determined by player age on July 31, 2024.)

    • Age 6 (U7): 12:30pm  

    • Age 8  (U9) 1:00pm

    • Age 4 (U5) 2:00pm

    • Age 7 (U8) 2:30pm

    • Age 5 (U6) 3:15pm

  • If your team is U10 (Under 10) or older, your only option is the SYSA program.  If your team is U9 or younger, you can decide to play in either the SYSA as a team, or BHYS pick up soccer program as an individual player.  

  • No.  They are both on Sunday.  However, if your team plays in the SYSA program, and you have a bye Sunday, then you are welcome to come to Soccer Sunday at Jefferson Park for pick up soccer if you are 8 or under.

  • Players returning from last Fall are registered for the entire year which includes Spring Soccer.  No need to register for Soccer Sunday.  Just show up on the day and time of your age group.

    Players new to Beacon Hill Soccer must register for Soccer Sunday.  It costs $20.  Link to the BHYS Registration page

  • Yes.  Every year, Beacon Hill has U9 and younger teams that sign up with SYSA and pay the $450 fee for games across town, only to realize they could have joined Soccer Sunday at Jefferson Park free. 

    Some teams prefer to play together as a team in the SYSA program while others prefer to play pick up soccer at Jefferson.  Please read the info carefully.  Larry will answer Soccer Sunday questions.  SYSA will answer SYSA Spring questions.

    Most questions can be answered by visiting the websites.

About Spring Soccer

SYSA Spring Soccer was started by the late SYSA President and Queen Anne Club member Neil Callahan in 2002. His idea was to give kids a chance to play some fun soccer in the off season and improve their skills by getting more touches on the ball. Spring Soccer is not about winning or losing, standings or scores.

As the league continues to grow and more players participate, it's important to remember the objectives and spirit of Spring Soccer.

Neil's vision for Spring Soccer was to let the kids play and enjoy the game in a fun, safe, creative way.


Fall Soccer